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Monday 12 June 2017


It's still June!   Celebrate!

We know that a lot a male artists paint pictures of female nudes.   But what about women artists who paint images of male nudes.
American artist Zoey Frank is one of these!

Above the drawing
below the painting

Another painting!

and another

and another!



Creative Photography
"Self Portrait"

Bronze Sculpture
Adolf Frick  -  1900

Beautiful Mediaeval Manuscript
those monks knew how to paint!
Look at the rabbit warning the bird about the guy about to shoot an arrow!

We had a professor who used to say:
"Gentlemen!   You won't leave footprints in the sands of time by sitting down on the job!"

"My Curly Headed Baby"!

Feeding time!
The Milk Bar is open!!!!

Oh! Yes! Welcome back!
I do trust you all had a great weekend!

I know you visit from all over the world, but every now and again I notice a new country!
This time El Salvador!

Well I hope you all found someone/something that you liked in my posts today!



Xersex said...

fabulous set as usual!!!

happy new week with my last post;:

whkattk said...

Wonderful sets! The drawing/paintings by that woman are wonderful. We ALL should appreciate the beauty of the human form; the male soft or hard, or the female. The human body is a thing of beauty and wonder!

Hugs, my friend!