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Friday 2 June 2017


"The Kiss"
Cecil Hayter

"Reclining Man"
Migael Angel Reyes
interesting painting - he has divided it into four sections
with changes in lighting and colour

Body Art

above & below
Charlie Ferrer

Ceramic Tile
"Nude Butterflyman"


you wouldn't wear it!

Well HE looks great in it!
or something very like it!

If you've got "IT" share "IT"!!!

Does anyone remember Peter Berlin?

Yes!  Do keep your life in perspective this weekend!

Australian Kangaroo & her Joey

Love it!!!!

Well another week is almost over!

Thanks to everyone who visited during it!
Especially to those few who left comments!

I do hope that you found something you liked today
that you will be back next week.

Have a great weekend,



whkattk said...

I don't remember Peter Berlin. Though I certainly do remember Beckham, and have always been proud that he's not ashamed of his body.

Love the "boxed" photos! Some photographers are very clever in their creativity.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Hugs!!!

Xersex said...

love Beckham!!! but now his skin has too much ink!!!