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Wednesday 31 May 2017


Philip Gladstone
Initialed   &   Dated

Philip Gladstone
Dated & Initialed

"Boy With The Blue Bowtie"
Philip Gladstone
Initialed & Dated

Body Art

Great Street Art

Model & Sculpture  in the workshop-  1907

Ceramic Jar  -   1900

Poster   -   May 2017


"No!   I did not throw that bottle on the ground!"

Ah!   You have returned!

Many thanks to those who left Birthday Greetings!
Hugs for everyone!

Well, I do trust you enjoyed today's posts.
There are several paintings by Philip Gladstone covering a few years and one just this year. He is very interesting artist.

Well!  I won't be here tomorrow, so I will change the "header photos" today.  But I will be back on Friday!
So please return!



Mark Gaulding said...

Happy Birthday! whkatk mentioned it in his blog. I enjoy your blog. Mark at The Treasure Trail blog

whkattk said...

Lovely! An erect penis is natural - there is nothing disgusting or lewd about it.

Have yourself a lovely day off, my friend! I hope your birthday was awesome! Hugs!!!

Xersex said...

Happy birthday for sure!

I'm finding you again via whkattk. So I can put your blog among my friend blog and follow you as I did before!