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Friday 3 March 2017


"Book of Revelation"
Giovanni Gasparro

"Glass of Wine"
Robert C Rore
Initialled & Dated

Pencil Drawing
Signed & dated

Body Art

Poster   -    1912

Winifred Turner
V & A Museum
I've see it!  It is wonderful!

Morocco!   No!    England!

Yes!    Keep things in perspective this weekend!

"I like my men like my coffee  -  hot & black!"

Thank you to everyone for your visits this week!
I do hope that you find men/things that are of interest to you.
If you tell me what you like I could give you more of it!!

Have a great weekend & come back next week!


1 comment:

whkattk said...

England?!?!? Holy smokes....

I often wish I could've had some artist talent...I was never very good at it. Perhaps that is why I took to performance...and, now in my "senior years," to writing.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Warm hugs!!!